SWS is a boutique advisory firm and forward-looking commerce growth platform. We are passionate about the future of brands within a fully connected world. We love data, ad tech, the vast potential behind retail media, leading digital marketplaces, and the still untapped potential of the US market. We are a handful of highly experienced partners with hands-on experience worldwide and a passion for investing, serving our clients, and leveraging technology.

We develop full brand development including product design, market analysis and storytelling development.

We provide offline and online channel distribution audits as well as retail strategy planning and execution recommendations.

We execute search and find, due diligence, M&A negotiations for clients wishing to grow within its markets or around the world. We have executed more than 16 projects in all continents.

Managing Partner & Founder
Juan boasts 30+ years’ experience as an operator, startup founder, consultant, board member, entrepreneur and venture capitalist within leading companies in Mexico, the US and Germany. Throughout his career, Juan has worked for global companies such as Bertelsmann AG, Televisa and Entravision were he headed USD $1bn in revenue digital business unit. Juan has built successful companies like the eCommerce player Submarino, a headhunting company People@, the consulting business SWS and the venture fund RiseCapital Latam. Other milestones include his presidency of the Mexican chapter of the IAB, Board memberships of publicly traded Entravision (EVC), Travesias Media, Recorcholis, Metro International, Ambulante and Save the Children and ITAM-EPIC among other. Juan offers solid business head experience, entrepreneurship, consulting and operational experience that enables future business planning and exclusion capabilities. Juan holds a BA in economics from Mexico’s ITAM University and an MBA from the IESE Business School in Barcelona.

Mayela has been working in the retail industry for 20 years. During the past three years she has been fully immersed in eCommerce for Walmart Mexico. Here she has had several assignments being her most recent successful project the creation and launching of the Marketplace. This new business model creation involved breaking paradigms where instead of buying inventory, suppliers become partners and sell directly to customers through the platform as third parties. In the first year of operation, this business model has gotten to represent 15% of walmart.com.mx business with over 550 suppliers now active.

Paula has over 12 years’ experience designing and implementing business strategies for the public and private sectors in Mexico and the US. Particular areas of expertise include mergers and acquisitions, governance-structure and accountability-processes design. Her experience include 5 years at Ainda, a leading consulting boutique firm in Mexico, where she worked on a wide range of projects designed to tackle public-sector energy and transportation challenges. Paula holds a B.Sc. in Applied Mathematics from ITAM (Mexico).

Associate at SWS, CEO and Founder at People@. With 20+ years of experience in the consulting, media and cultural industries, María has been involved in the strategic development and launch of several startups (The Pool, Boletia, Lina Salud, People@, Vitral Magazine), and worked at leading finance, cultural and media institutions, offering her widespread expertise in project management and platforms innovation. In addition to her entrepreneurial experience, Maria had the opportunity to work for seven years as Project Manager at Rothschild Bank and Banco Bankaool. María holds a B.A. and an M.A. in International Business Management from ITAM (Mexico) as well as a second M.A. in Psychology from the ITREM.
Contact Us
If you interested in our work or have any question you can contact us here.
Information SWS
Address : 846 21 Street,
Unit 1, Santa Monica CA 90403 USA
De conformidad con lo previsto por la Ley Federal de Protección de Datos Personales en Posesión de los Particulares (en el sucesivo denominado como “La Ley”), nos permitimos solicitarle leer cuidadosamente los Términos y Condiciones contenidos en este texto, ya que la simple aportación que haga de sus datos Personales constituye la aceptación de estos Términos y Condiciones:
JSW SERVICIOS DE ESTARTEGIA S.C., será la “Responsable” de su información personal.
- El domicilio de dicha empresa (Sociedad Civil) es Julio Verne 89 / 303, colonia Polanco Reforma, Miguel Hidalgo, México D.F., CP: 11550.
- Los términos “Datos Personales” tendrán el significado que se les atribuye en el artículo 3 de La Ley.
- Los datos Personales que usted pueda proporcionar al Responsable tendrán el uso que en forma enunciativa pero no limitativa se describe a continuación:
- Para identificarle, ubicarle, comunicarle y enviarle información, así como su transmisión a terceros relacionados con la interacción comercial que tiene con JSW SERVICIOS DE ESTARTEGIA S.C. por cualquier medio que permita la ley. La temporalidad del manejo de los Datos Personales será indefinida a partir de la fecha en que usted los proporcionó al Responsable, desde luego usted podrá oponerse en cualquier momento que lo considere oportuno dando aviso al Responsable de su oposición.
- Una vez que usted entregue al Responsable sus Datos Personales, le manifestamos que estos serán conservados en medios seguros, cuyo acceso estará limitado solamente a las personas físicas y/o morales con las que el Responsable tenga alguna relación. El Responsable contará con las medidas de seguridad que considere adecuadas para proteger el uso de sus Datos Personales por parte de terceros no autorizados. En caso de requerimiento de alguna autoridad, los Datos Personales podrán ponerse a disposición de estas, dentro del estricto cumplimiento de la Ley.
- Usted tendrá en todo momento el acceso a sus Datos Personales, ya sea para solicitar su rectificación, cancelación u oposición de conformidad con lo dispuesto en la Ley, en forma escrita o electrónica, dirigiendo su mensaje a Servicios de JSW SERVICIOS DE ESTARTEGIA S.C., al domicilio antes mencionado o en la siguiente dirección de correo electrónico info@sws.ms. Para lo anterior, deberá hacernos saber fehacientemente los Datos Personales que usted desea sean rectificados, cancelados o revisados.
- En el caso de que el Responsable requiera usar sus Datos Personales con fines diferentes a los señalados en el presente Aviso de Privacidad, previamente contactará con usted ya sea en forma escrita, telefónica, electrónica, o por cualquier medio óptico, sonoro, visual u otro que la tecnología permita ahora o en el futuro y le explicará los nuevos usos que pretenda darle a dicha información a fin de recabar su autorización o rechazo.